Write a GitHub API compatibility layer
Requested by: https://na34.salesforce.com/00161000002xBeQ?srPos=0&srKp=001
On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 3:35 PM, We have an ask about migrating a large group from GitHub to GitLab. Nothing official yet but the big blocker is their current integrations with GitHub's API. Redoing all of that work would incur a significant cost and would have to be done multiple times if other groups were to move as well. I expect some push back on this as you have said before you are not GitHub, however would you entertain the thought of writing a GitHub API compatibility layer? Would it be possible for us to request priority for such a feature, and if so, what would be needed from us in order to do so?
We're open to building anything.
How big is the 'large group'?
I think any tool or feature that would help resolve migration pain from github to gitlab will only benefit adoption. And these days, most of that pain (for us, at least) centers around the significant amount of dev time teams have already spent configuring external build service integrations (Maven, Jenkins, etc) to leverage one vs the other. Some of these teams maintain a huge quantity of these configs, making the switch cost real financial and productivity blockers.
We have thousands of github users today which are part of hundreds of dev teams all running their own independent flavors of build services. If nothing had to change for them should they consider switching over to gitlab, then hundreds (at a minimum) of transition hours could be saved. We could even potentially automate much, if not all of the migrations.
To add a bit about the integrations, the Jenkins and whatnot do have existing alternatives the bigger issue we face is the custom integrations. We have teams that have written large custom workflows around the GitHub API and getting them to redo all that work is more or less a deal breaker.
cc/ @JobV @DouweM @dzaporozhets @sytses @ChadMalchow @stanhu