This issue is basically the design work done remotely just before the beginning of the world tour Amsterdam and can be used when doing the redesign of the settings at (saving it now to iterate later on)
Based on @marin feedback I did a quick mock for the runners settings view. This still uses the old/current filtering & search UI but can be easily adjusted when necessary. It however does take the upcoming change from settings gear icon towards tabs in mind from
Currently it looks like:
Tabs configs have slightly different button layouts
Explanation like in cycle analytics:
note: the SVG is updated to have a slightly edited purple version of the illustration above
Currently we have this grouping for project settings:
Edit Project
Checkbox to enable/disable features, separate page for feature settings: pages, issues, mrs, etc.
Deploy Keys
Push Rules
Mirror Repository
Protect Branches
Audit Events
Automation / CI - discuss with CI team
CI/CD Pipelines
This means that runners is on a page with other settings as well: variables, triggers, CI/CD Pipelines. It is important to have a design that works with different sections so that the number of tabs don't get out of hand. We were going with the this design where there is a left column with a description, and a right column with content. This allows us to have multiple sections. The proposed redesign doesn't really follow this standard.
This is all just mostly FYI. Open to hearing your thoughts/feedback @dimitrieh!
@dimitrieh You've posted a screenshot of the page with the tokens to a public issue. I've made this post confidential for now. => Tokens were rotated at the same time.
I would also thinking about redesigning Runners view. I would concentrate on showing a list of runners, with a current build queue. We could then get rid of and replace it with Runners which makes much more sense. Builds and runners view is one of the last views that did not get an overhaul recently. The information that they do present are valid, but kind of doesn't make sense to be shown given that we have Pipelines.
There's a proposal just for extending a Runners view: gitlab-foss#18178 (moved). I think that we should move one step further with these changes.
This will also allow us to prepare an UI and think how it would look like if we finally decide to manage CI runners from within GitLab.
@jivanvl is currently working on just combining the groups and members into one page. And then subsequently, we will migrate the rest of the elements. But that doesn't change the existing navigation, it just re-groups the existing menu items in the cog menu. When all the pages are migrated, then we will have a final issue to convert the navigation from the cog to the tabs. This was due to some technicality difficulties encountered earlier, so now we agree that this is the right approach. See more details here:
I don't have any particular priorities after @jivanvl wraps up groups and members, for which section to work on next. If we want to work on the automation section next, and if that's feasible technically, that's fine by me. (But I don't think we would get the tabbed navigation yet (i.e. Runners | Variables | Triggers | CI/CD Pipelines). But I think everything in that one Automation page could be changed as a next priority.)
I'll let @jivanvl comment if this is feasible / desirable technically.
@victorwu I don't mind having the automations section as our next priority, the groups and members section is under review so it might get merged soon™, we just need to go forward with one decision regarding the controllers, and it would be pretty much done. Only one thing that I have in mind (and correct if I'm wrong) is what I should focus after the groups and members section is done. And its just getting the automations section "merged" into one, and from there work on this particular issue on a separate MR right?
@jivanvl : Let's wait until we give @dimitrieh some time to finalize the designs before working on this one. We can work on the other ones if they are priority. Moving the discussion over to gitlab-foss#23007 (closed).
@victorwu@jivanvl the final design (I updated the issue description as well!):
Tabs configs have slightly different button layouts
Explanation like in cycle analytics: (@hazelyang do you approve of the illustration? if not please create an edited version, sketchfile can be found in design repo)
Tooltips on statusses:
changed runner paused color from red to orange to make it inline with "pending" used for CI statusses (@marin are you okey with this change?)
resulting in:
if no specific runners yet and you are on specific runners tab:
if there are no shared runners available and you are on the shared runners tab:
if there are no shared runners or specific runners available and you are on the all runners tab:
@victorwu the admin version of the runners page is quite different from the project version. I propose we take a look at that once this issue is implemented ;)
additional thought: @tauriedavis do you think we should display the shared/specific as a label rather (as thats how they are currently displayed in the admin runners panel image
), or do you think its fine as I mocked it? (my thoughts towards that were that in that sense they don't get confused with the other labels, which are runner keywords)
@dimitrieh : Just to clarify, this new design is for the project runners page right? The admin runners page is something totally different and we're not talking about that?
My understanding is that per the navigation design here,, the runners page's content would be combined with a few other pages' contents into one page called automation. Does that change anything here with your design? Is that nav design intended? Or was that never finalized?
Just to clarify, this new design is for the project runners page right? The admin runners page is something totally different and we're not talking about that?
Yes, they are related but not the same. The feature set of those two views is slightly different. I changed the title of this issue to reflect this better.
My understanding is that per the navigation design here, gitlab-foss#23007 (closed), the runners page's content would be combined with a few other pages' contents into one page called automation. Does that change anything here with your design? Is that nav design intended? Or was that never finalized?
Mmh i don't know if that was already thought out completely, as i think runners deserve their own view like environments/cycle analytics etc
@dimitrieh Looks good to me. I just modify something small slightly. How do you feel if we use purple in the illustration? If you think something still needs to adjust, please feel free to edit it in Sketch. I pushed the editable file to design repo.
@hazelyang thanks, looks great (removing the third cog and shortening the horizontal lines if i am observant enough to see all the changes :) )! haha i adjusted the color intentionally, but am fine with choosing purple! I thought it would be nice to have a different color for these different features, but being coherent in using the same color is nice too!!
FYI: I started adding runner version information to the runner admin page in gitlab-foss!8733 (merged). In that MR I included this note:
Note: I'd also like to show it in the individual runner page (/admin/runners/<id>) but that view already has UX issues, and shares the top of the view with (<user>/<project>/runners/<id>/edit) (project/runners/_form.html.haml).
The project individual runner page (<user>/<project>/runners/<id>) shows a full table with all of the information reported by the runner.
I just wanted to bring this up to keep runner info in mind when redesigning any of these views.
And since the views are related (shared in some places), I'll point out that /admin/runners and /admin/runners/<id> are kind of hard to look at, as far as UX goes.
@JonathonReinhart thanks for the info! I do have to note that this issue does not try to adjust the "/admin/runners view" but just the "project/runners view", which is a little less complicated/demanding
do you know who will work on gitlab-foss#26165 (closed) and if this will be considered along with that (i thought you had something to do with the effort of doing that )
@dimitrieh - @jivanvl is currently working on that issue. The first step is to combine the pages, then move them to tabs. After that, we are going to make sure there is consistency throughout the pages and then start on further improvements, such as this issue. Does that work for you?
Thanks @victorwu. I think in general this looks great, only feedback I have is maybe we could have greater visual differentiation on the All tab between specific and shared runners? If you are scrolling through the list to get a quick overview of state it may be helpful to make it a more glanceable attribute.
@dimitrieh How do you think this fits with the new settings page which includes runners along with several other sections? The design above is kind of optimized for single-section pages.