Related: Highlight recent blog posts in-product.
Related: Highlight new features directly in the interface. e.g. not just a What's new link, but a visual pointer to a new section in the UI.
we could implement this, with a simple link to the release post of the version the user is currently running... or with an update notice perhaps if a newer version is available (perhaps only for administrators)
I think Discord does a really good job at this. Every month every end user will effectively see a modal showing what the new features are. Some might argue it's a little in your face, but I think it's a great way not only to inform users of new capabilities, but also as a reminder that the product is continually evolving.
As you can see in the screenshot, they are also able to bring through the brand tone of voice into the messaging, which I like a lot.
@mydigitalself i dislike that way of showing things.. steam does this as well.. also some android apps
I rather go for subtle, then in your face :)
slack does this really well imo
it shows a little present from the submenu:
and puts it next to the main menu.. which is destroyed after you look at it.
Although i do think the modal could add valua after you click on the "what's new"
I think it's more important to let people do their job, than to inform them of new functionality.. they should do that when they have time for that imo
@marcia in my mind this would show up for users when there is a new release (9.0 => 9.1) so we should link to it from it.. that way people get a notification and a improved reason to update
How is this gonna work for CE and EE behind firewalls?
We are quite strict on our release schedule, so we could fake this and build in a trigger with predetermined urls.. however there may be a smarter way of course.
@dimitrieh what if we take a step ahead and make it a notification symbol (as you suggested above), instead of a gift symbol? We could create some sort of "notifications" settings from the admin side, displaying notes like reminders or news, for example:
when we deprecate CI variables
when we changed Pages IP (could have used this)
when we have something important to say
We could create 3 types of fields, each with a different symbol:
(exclamation) reminder
(triangle) breaking/important change
(gift) new release
Then we could display it as google does:
I think it's a little beyond this issue, we can create a new one if you think it's worth it. ;)
@regisF we would certainly have to be involved, yes
I think there are a few things to consider here. use case where it's more of a case of INFORMING users what's new
For self-hosted versions, there are also two considerations. First first is informing the instance owner that there is new stuff in the next release and encouraging them to upgrade. The next is information instance users that there is new stuff in the current release (after it's been updated). I'm not sure how instance owners/admin will react to us pushing information about new releases that haven't been installed yet to their users, it will create confusion about what is and isn't actually available.
Indeed there are two use cases here: regular users and instance administrators.
I'm not sure how instance owners/admin will react to us pushing information about new releases that haven't been installed yet to their users
This will not happen if the gift badge only appears when a new version has been actually installed. This badge would get reset every time a new release introduces changes that are worthy to be mentioned.
The case of the instance administrators is different - they should be warned of a new release before they actually upgrade the instance, to make them aware of any manipulations they should do before upgrading. I've documented this in an another issue - this is related to this issue, but independent, as it serves two different purposes.
I think we need to be careful about putting another icon with a colored badge number in the header. Any additional UI element will detract from the issue/mr/todo badges and those are most important for an every day workflow.
Just an idea, but we could make the profile avatar glow or have a colored border to indicate that there is something new, and then the profile dropdown contains that information.
I agree with @tauriedavis. Adding the current icons up there was a huge deal to begin with. We should remember that every new icon adds a layer of complexity. I like the idea of changing the profile avatar change in some way.