Allowed values are: false and strings (an LDAP attribute name like sshkeys). The value true is NOT allowed.
I think we should detect this when parsing the LDAP settings during application startup. We just spent a lot of time finding this problem with a customer, based only on a cryptic error message during GitLab sign-in.
Something like:
if sync_ssh_keys && !sync_ssh_keys.is_a?(String) raise "Invalid sync_ssh_keys settings for LDAP server #{server}: #{sync_ssh_keys.inspect}"end
@dblessing I just asked @northrup about it. The attribute where you store the SSH keys can be whatever you want, but we, as the consumer, could require that if you want to use SSH key synching with LDAP, the keys should be under sshPublicKey. That would brake existing installations that rely on it being somewhere else, though.
@patricio@northrup That's technically true although you can't just make it up on the fly. You have to actually create a schema with an objectclass that allows the attribute name and a string value.
If I'm trying to suggest anything it is that we do allow true as a possible value. If set to true, set the value to sshPublicKey and accept a string otherwise. I think the true value covers 99% of our users.
You're right - I should have looked because the LDAP servers that I've stood up I've extended... I just thought it was part of iNetOrgPerson. It's part of OpenSSH-LDAP extension and they have a registered OID for it (oid which is sshPublicKey. See
Thanks for the feedback @dblessing and @jacobvosmaer-gitlab. I'll add to the 1_settings.rb file that if sync_ssh_keys is set to true, we will set that to sshPublicKey in the backend.