@smcgivern@dzaporozhets : I'll make commenting on text files as a stretch goal for this issue. So whoever works on it can focus on image files first, and if it makes sense, include text files too.
Victor Wuchanged title from View and add comments to image in merge request diff to View and add comments to file in merge request diff
changed title from View and add comments to image in merge request diff to View and add comments to file in merge request diff
Code-files/diffs can become extraordinarily long, normal files do not (except images with an extreme aspect ratio, but i believe those are scaled to some max as well)
Diffs can hold text content within the text content, while normal files do not. We have to see for example the image in order to know what to comment on it, otherwise it would be the same as commenting above a line of code instead of under it.
Image files, have a diff filtering mechanism UI at the bottom with: "onion skin, side-by-side etc. These controls should be near the discussion UI imo
Do you agree? If so I will update the description to reflect it :)
@cperessini I see.. i still think its a little weird, although I am probably okey with it.
My main problem with it (and there is not a really good solution to it) is that both design directions have a different assumption:
file comments at top: It assumes there already is conversation on the file.
file comments at bottom: It assumes there is no conversation on the file yet.
Why do i think it makes these assumptions: because there are various comments, like: if the comments are at the top, the user can then decide if they want to view the file contents yes or no. While if there are no comments yet and the user will want to comment on the file, they will first need to view the entire file (for example in the case its an image) in order to see if its worth their while in most cases.
So as there probably is no perfect solution, we have to see which one holds the most pro's vs the cons..
I think that having the comments at the top will have the most pro's:
less scrolling needed in general as comments are at top.
Works well with code diffs, as they can become really long. And have text as content..so you would have to filter visually when text stops vs when file comments begin, while the other way around you would know instantly)
Less viewing of file needed if comments make it not needed
So yes, let's still go with comments on top :) and keep the image diffing options at the bottom, as for those you will always first need to see the image.
Thanks @dimitrieh@cperessini . @smcgivern said this won't make it into 9.0. Let's not even assume it will be 9.1 either. We will make that decision when we are closer.
I think that commenting at the top is weird for images, and commenting at the bottom is weird for text files (because you're more likely to be commenting on the file name).
@cperessini There is a question as to whether commenting will be on top/bottom for text vs images. It looks like you and @dimitrieh agreed on top for both.
I see an argument for keeping both file types consistent and keeping the comment functionality on the top. This allows users to know where to find this feature for all file types and it doesn't jump around on them.
I also see the argument that it is strange to see comments above the images for image files.
I think we should default to consistency and keep comments in the same place, regardless of file type. If we get feedback that it is strange for images, we can readdress later.
I believe then that the description here is up to date and ready for implementation!
Perhaps a bit late to the game, but any chance that resolvable discussions could also be added at the file level, similar to gitlab-foss#24378 (closed)?
@tauriedavis that sounds good. I think another argument for placing the comments at the top is that you access the comment button by hovering over the file header.
Sorry folks for the last minute change. We are making this a Stretch for 9.1, as we didn't account for resources. My mistake.
Nothing is changed with scope and requirements. Sorry @tauriedavis@cperessini for the disruption. Hopefully it's minimal since most the primary UX is essentially done.
@smcgivern@jschatz1 : Go ahead and do your resource planning accordingly. Thanks!
@smcgivern@victorwu - who is the best person to discuss backend changes for this? I had a quick look through existing notes, and based on some curling you can't link a note to a file without Line numbers. I can make some changes, but would be good to validate early
@psimyn you can't! This has been moved to 9.2, at which point someone from the backend team will be available to help you. Is it possible to pick up another issue instead?