Avatar dimensions for profile and projects
Requested in the UX persona survey, please can we display recommended avatar dimensions for profile and projects?
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- Sarah O'Donnell changed title from Images dimensions for profile and projects images to Images dimensions for profile and project images
changed title from Images dimensions for profile and projects images to Images dimensions for profile and project images
- Developer
@sarahod This refers to avatars?
- Sarah O'Donnell changed title from Images dimensions for profile and project images to Avatar dimensions for profile and projects
changed title from Images dimensions for profile and project images to Avatar dimensions for profile and projects
- Author Developer
@markglenfletcher yep, I've updated the issue to reflect this.
Yes, it would be very useful to know how the avatar is clipped. I am iterating for 30 minutes already to try to get it the way I want it. Any help welcomed.
Edited by username-removed-1289149- Maintainer
- Developer
This seems like a very basic thing that should not take too long on the UX side. Thanks for pinging me on this @filipa!
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