Skeleton loading for issue board
FE @jschatz1
We currently show a spinner while we load issues in the issue board. In the Add issues
modal we currently don't have any loading indicators (to be solved with gitlab-foss#29615 (closed))
I propose we use skeleton loading, which consist in showing a simplified version of the content that will be loaded. It would look somethig like this in the Add issue
In this animation every field lights up at the same time. I think it would look a little better if there was a "swipe" effect, where they light up from left to right, but my prototyping skills are not there yet
Currently, the issue count per list is shown as "0" when the page first loads, and then it changes to the real number when the issues are loaded. This should be fixed so that users are not given false information.
- See skeleton loading requirements and example here:
- Check out this comment for dev implementation tips: