Add badge count to project/group/subgroup tabs
In our research we determined users had to manually count the number of projects within a group.
We can improve this by adding a badge count to all tabs on the group page, project dashboard, and group dashboard — projects, groups, and subgroups.
If possible, also add badge count to the “Explore projects” and “Explore groups” tabs.
Add badge count:
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- Taurie Davis added ~974571 label
added ~974571 label
- Taurie Davis mentioned in issue ux-research#3 (closed)
mentioned in issue ux-research#3 (closed)
- Developer
- Developer
Related issue:
- Taurie Davis mentioned in issue gitlab-foss#29892 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-foss#29892 (closed)
- Developer
The solution/proposal for this issue was included in a prototype that is undergoing UX research in GitLab FOSS during this week and the next. /cc @sarahod
- username-removed-626804 added ~902455 label
added ~902455 label
- username-removed-626804 added navigation in GitLab FOSS label
added navigation in GitLab FOSS label
- username-removed-626804 mentioned in issue ux-research#4 (closed)
mentioned in issue ux-research#4 (closed)
- username-removed-626804 changed title from Add badge count to project/group tabs to Add badge count to project/group/subgroup tabs
changed title from Add badge count to project/group tabs to Add badge count to project/group/subgroup tabs
- username-removed-626804 added frontend in GitLab FOSS label
added frontend in GitLab FOSS label
- Developer
@victorwucan we schedule this?Edit: I meant @timzallmann
Edited by username-removed-626804 - username-removed-419655 mentioned in issue gitlab-foss#31413 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-foss#31413 (closed)
- Mike Bartlett changed milestone to %9.4 in gitlab-foss
changed milestone to %9.4 in gitlab-foss
- Sarah O'Donnell mentioned in issue ux-research#5 (closed)
mentioned in issue ux-research#5 (closed)
- username-removed-626804 mentioned in issue gitlab-foss#30343 (moved)
mentioned in issue gitlab-foss#30343 (moved)
- Mike Bartlett changed milestone to %9.5 in gitlab-foss
changed milestone to %9.5 in gitlab-foss this planned for 9.5?
seems so easy to be implemented...
- Developer
@domnulnopcea The UX is confirmed and there is noone currently assigned, if you would like to implement it.
@mydigitalself Would that be OK with you?
- Developer
@domnulnopcea people always forget it's not just about how easy something is; we have a series of other priorities that we need to get through that we feel are more impactful than this.
- Developer
@markglenfletcher of course, we are happy to accept MRs on this.
- Mike Bartlett added Accepting Merge Requests in GitLab FOSS label
added Accepting Merge Requests in GitLab FOSS label
- Developer
@domnulnopcea We are now accepting Community Contributions for this issue. Please feel free to submit a Merge Request to implement this feature.
1 - username-removed-42381 mentioned in merge request gitlab-foss!12255
mentioned in merge request gitlab-foss!12255
- Contributor
We received a great community contribution for this issue in gitlab-foss!12255. Unfortunately, adding badges for anything that is public is too slow to just do it. That's why I propose to add the badges only to tabs that represent things scoped to the current user. That is:
-> Your projects -
-> Starred projects -
-> Your groups -
-> Projects -
-> Subgroups
Please confirm @sarrahvesselov or @tauriedavis.
- Developer
@adamniedzielski thanks for the update. Yes, that approach is ok. Actually, this situation was predicted on the description
If possible, also add badge count to the “Explore projects” and “Explore groups” tabs.
2 - username-removed-626804 assigned to @pedroms
assigned to @pedroms
- Developer
What Taurie and Pedro said
Thanks for confirming first @adamniedzielski
- Tim Zallmann added Deliverable in GitLab FOSS label
added Deliverable in GitLab FOSS label
- Filipa Lacerda removed Accepting Merge Requests in GitLab FOSS label
removed Accepting Merge Requests in GitLab FOSS label
added Accepting Merge Requests in GitLab FOSS label
- Filipa Lacerda removed Accepting Merge Requests in GitLab FOSS label
removed Accepting Merge Requests in GitLab FOSS label
added Accepting Merge Requests in GitLab FOSS label
- Maintainer
@timzallmann we end up not deciding if we remove gitlab-foss
1890178 or gitlab-foss992791Can you please take a look? Thanks!
- Contributor
Ping @timzallmann!
- Developer
Shouldn't this have the milestone removed? It is showing as a 9.5 with accepting merge requests and deliverable labels. cc/ @timzallmann
- username-removed-419655 mentioned in issue gitlab-foss#38253 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-foss#38253 (closed)
- Felipe Artur changed weight to 6
changed weight to 6
- Felipe Artur moved from gitlab-foss#29798 (moved)
moved from gitlab-foss#29798 (moved)