Trying to replicate the behaviour without success locally and using some testing projects on - works for me, issues are being closed.
I don't see any changes that could cause the problem (basically no changes in move_service or close_service) and I don't see how this could be happening in general.
Code responsible for moving/closing issues:
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do # New issue tasks # @new_issue = create_new_issue rewrite_notes rewrite_award_emoji add_note_moved_from # Old issue tasks # add_note_moved_to close_issue mark_as_moved end
@jarka that is weird, indeed! I don't see anything that would cause it. Even if we somehow thought the user didn't have permissions to close the issue, we should still set moved_to_id.
Are you able to reproduce on the GitLab CE project itself? I don't see anything in Sentry or Kibana that indicates a problem The other thing I'd do is just double-check that the stable branch on EE looks right, in case it's different to CE.
I can't seem to reproduce this now either. I was able to move issues today fine. Now I'm wondering if there was some weirdness caused by DB load balancing.
@stanhu@markglenfletcher@smcgivern Have we experienced the problem since beginning of April? I suggest closing this issue if not unless you suggest further investigation.
I am unassigning it because I'll be on vacations until the end of June. Everything we figured out (which means almost nothing ) is described in the comments
@smcgivern : Let's keep logging instances of this until we have enough data that we can determine the root cause. Right now it's not reliably reproducible right? So let's just punt it until we can see it happen more regularly.