[Question] Determining own groups with regards to subgroups
First and foremost, I'm not sure whether this is a bug or intended. It might have the same cause as gitlab-foss#31724 (closed) and gitlab-foss#31445 (moved), as it seems to relate to the process of determining the groups I'm a member of. I don't know if this is caused by us using LDAP authentication.
So, what am I experiencing? Before Gitlab 9, we had a few (7 or so) "parent" groups, which by naming conventions showed what was in them. When our instance was updated to 9, we decided to move the projects into subgroup to make it easier to distinguish what is where, because 20 or so parent groups would make member management a real pain (in our team, everyone can work on any project). We then discovered the issue gitlab-foss#31445 (moved), which led to the question whether creating projects was having the same problem (it has, as stated in gitlab-foss#31724 (closed)). Now we found out that the groups are not even shown in the "Groups" view, unless I created them myself or gave myself permissions in them (thereby overwriting the inheritance). As those issues seem closely related (sorry for creating my third issue covering that :/).
Now, what does that mean? Is my understanding of the inheritance wrong or is GitLabs method of determining the groups I am a member incomplete regarding subgroups? If so, will this be changed? Right now we have to rely on the aforementioned workarounds (setting oneself as Owner explicitly) to transfer/create projects, which is quite annoying.