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Use proper args for gpg command used in docs

Rubén Dávila requested to merge update-gpg-signing-docs into master

What does this MR do?

It update the docs related to signing commits with GPG

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Why was this MR needed?

GPG Key ID is missing without the --keyid-format arg:

gpg --list-secret-keys
sec   rsa4096 2017-09-13 [SC]
uid           [ultimate] Gregorio Roob <>
ssb   rsa4096 2017-09-13 [E]

It's present only after adding the --keyid-format arg:

gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG
sec   rsa4096/B8F3039BFCC6A7D2 2017-09-13 [SC]
uid                 [ultimate] Gregorio Roob <>
ssb   rsa4096/8BE73A7633EEAE18 2017-09-13 [E]

This is also used by GitHub in their docs

Screenshots (if relevant)

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