Feb 7, 2017–Mar 21, 2017
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Burndown chart
Burnup chart
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Left-justify pods in deploy board
- Empty state deployment board, can't find application
- Remove Git Annex
- Deploy board
- Create and edit issue board with milestone
- Add "Export" to issues list
- Geo: Replicate repository creation
- Rebase `committer` should be actual user
- System create user "Ghost User" counts against user counts.
- Gitlab::Geo.enabled? should use a persistent cache
- Squashing MRs doesn't work on
- Don't show squash checkbox when there's only one commit
- Global minimum sync time for mirrors
- Send email to users, projects not working
- GitHub Importer failing when target_branch_sha doesn't exist in local repository
- rake `geo:db:setup` should only try to create database if it doesnt exist yet
- Issues CSV export fails when given an issue where `author` is nil
- Deploy board takes over environment folders
- Export issues CSV doesn't filter by label
- Custom hook errors don't display in merge request widget
- Elasticsearch project indexing fails on bad data
- Sorting by weight resets labels filter
- Documentation about upgrading Geo to GitLab 9.0
- Deploy boards docs
- Issues CSV export docs
- Geo: have separate installation instructions for Omnibus and for installation from source
- Merge request approvals api endpoint still referencing old id params
- Boards API: retrieve project and milestone via API
- Elasticsearch database backfill takes too long
- License key text box appears when 'Upload' is selected
- Remove project git hooks API endpoints
- Remove `repository_storage` from settings API
- Create issue board for documentation review process
- Geo: `checkpoint_segments` is no longer a config option in PostgreSQL 9.5+
- Weight icon in issues list has disappeared
- Wrong color in MR pipeline graph
- Increased activity of mirroring leading to higher load
- Improve ElasticSearch metrics and monitoring
- Update a release blog post and an update guide about Elasticsearch 5.1
- Elasticsearch Settings assume HTTP, need HTTPS too
- Wording for "Allowed to push" dropdown is confusing
- Migrate to Elasticsearch 5.1.* when it's stable enough
- Expose lower level Elasticsearch::Client params for configuration
- Reposition multiple issue board title/selector dropdown
- Update doc - Audit events
- Update doc - Email from GitLab
- Remove deprecated "Project Git Hooks" from API in 9.0
- Inconsistency in Issue and MR templates
- Option to sort issues by weight
- Add detailed explanation of merge options
- There no documentation on being a GitLab admin