Mar 8, 2017–Apr 21, 2017
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Burndown chart
Burnup chart
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Rename build minutes to pipeline minutes
- Docs for service desk
- Use the v4 API from the frontend
- Making it easier to configure approvals in project settings
- Service Desk usage ping
- Service Desk with email
- Burndown chart
- Elasticsearch does not implement external user checks correctly
- Can't activate approvals: The form contains the following error: Approver groups is invalid
- Navigation menu bugs on the "Contribution Analytics" page
- Emails forwarded to Service Desk email don't come
- UUID is nil for new installation
- Remove warning message in service desk setting
- Show canary deployments (with dots) first on Deployboard
- No suggested approvers with 9.1 RC2
- Allow Service Desk to be configured by project admin
- Storage calculation is counting LFS objects twice
- Service Desk with friendly email address
- gitlab:elastic:add_feature_visibility_levels_to_project does not work
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `any?' for nil:NilClass
- Add 10min timeout to Push Mirrors
- Tag push rule prevents tag deletion from Web UI
- Add more global minimum sync time options to the admin dashboard
- Add Premium license check
- Remove deprecated git_hooks
- Geo Sync Progress Indicator not working
- Elasticsearch commit search seems to have issues on GitLab EE 9.1
- Deploy board doesn't update canaries in realtime
- elasticsearch: note and snippet search as an auditor doesn't work
- Merge vue common folders into one
- Resolving conflicts via UI in a MR results in corruption of the fork
- Deployboard flickering
- Table of members is still broken
- Squash commits fails for branches named HEAD
- Push rules broken when using git 2.11.x
- Commit search breaks for some URLs on gitlab-ce project
- Make Deploy boards to be open by default
- Incorporate Prometheus telemetry in data
- User Cohort Insights
- Import from GitLab export fails on merge requests
- approvals.merge_request_id is not indexed
- Check if incoming emails are enabled for service desk usage
- Pipeline quota settings is pointing to audit events
- Burndown charts look really weird because of legacy data
- Disable the experimental GitLab elasticsearch indexer checkbox if it's not in $PATH
- Docs for Burndown charts
- Deploy Board updates for Canary Deploys
- Full screen/focus mode Issue Boards
- Geo: Add support for remaining file replication
- Very poor performance creating merge request, regression in 9.0 - often hits 60 seconds timeout on small requests
- Automate GitLab Geo installation process
- [Elasticsearch] Allow admin to search through all projects
- Reduce load caused by `ElasticCommitIndexerWorker`
- Elasticsearch: Highlighting in the code results does not work
- Multiple JIRA comments when ticket is mentioned more than once