May 8, 2017–Jun 21, 2017
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Burndown chart
Burnup chart
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- Memory usage change doesn't make sense for new review app
- Project search is not available under window width 992px
- Improve project search
- Group dashboard UI improvements
- Provide complete safe current user entity to frontend
- When a user's LDAP DN changes, SAML sign in fails
- Transient spec failure on /spec/features/merge_requests/mini_pipeline_graph_spec.rb
- LDAP sync should update user's name
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Upstream pipeline is not showing
- Document `.gitlab-ci.yml` for cross-project triggers
- Allow CI_JOB_TOKEN in pipeline trigger API and/or pipeline create API
- Users blocked when changing DN/UID
- Elasticsearch: The project description is not included to list of searchable fields
- Server-wide Audit Logging
- Approvals not reset if changing target branch
- Link between project pipeline views
- MR merge command bypasses required approvals
- API to control build minutes limits at the namespace and group level
- Projects::MergeRequestsController#merge is slow due to SQL
- Disable writing to the authorized_keys file
- Allow LDAP users to be synced on login again
- Mirror updates appear to run too frequently
- "username:password" stripped from mirror repo url after initial update
- LDAP group link select dropdown error
- `authorized_keys_enabled` is `nil` by default
- Cross-project pipeline connector looks wrong
- MR Code quality widget sentence is incomplete
- Geo: when clone_url_prefix is nil synchronization fails without useful error message
- Periodically Deploy Boards show errors
- Canarys don't work with Chatops deploys
- Unable to rebase unapproved merge request
- Double use of "
- Geo: `Gitlab::Git::Repository::NoRepository: no repository for such path` error
- “Geo: Health Status API returns error 500 for CipherError”
- Geo: ReadOnlySqlTransaction for `User.authorized_projects` in secondary node
- Test: Karma throws error in deploy board
- Allow for empty "plan" setting when editing a user or group
- Mirror repository for blank project fails
- Project Audit Events link not showing
- Geo sign out broken
- Geo secondary does not delete git repo from disk
- [Elasticsearch] Camel cased words should be split into smaller tokens
- Elasticsearch exact string search does not work using inverted commas
- CI artifacts object storage documentation
- Geo: Clone instructions are wrong when clone_url_prefix is empty in the database
- gitlab check: Problem with Elastic Search
- Clicking on Audit Events menu loses second level navigation
- Document Cross-project pipeline triggers `pipelines` filter
- Geo: not removing repositories from disk on secondary nodes
- Merge request widget styling is broken in 9.3 RC6
- Broken links to approver's avatars in emails
- Cross-project pipelines are broken
- “Geo: Dynamic Backoff strategy is not working”
- Release 9.3 RC2 EE diff
- Broken master
- Follow-up from "Add shared_runners_minutes_limit to groups and users API"
- Add primary node clone URL to Geo secondary 'How to work faster with Geo' popover
- Geo: store clone URLs in GeoNode for the GeoLogCursor replication
- Geo: Implement consumer (aka GeoLogCursor) for event log
- Improve approvals user count query
- Remove vue.esm.js from main.bundle.js
- API to set namespace license for GitLab.com
- Show personal pipeline quota usage
- Allow 'No one' as an option for 'Allowed to Merge' in protected branches
- Enforce EEP license for Deploy Boards
- Geo Suggested URL should include HTTPS if the primary is using it