Jun 8, 2017–Jul 22, 2017
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Burndown chart
Burnup chart
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- [Meta] Improving GitLab's Line Length
- Clicking submodule links in a repository does not redirect to the correct repository.
- Error 500 when creating a project
- Merged badge in related issues is shifted
- Uploading file via web interface into a folder that has a space in the name fails
- LDAP group find by CN can't distinguish between a group and a user
- 9.4 Regressions
- Issue boards buttons/text box don't line up
- No license warning is indiscernible from missing SSH key warning
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Make CI artifacts to be stored on object storage
- Allow to access individual files for artifacts stored on Object Storage
- Related Issues BE followup - Add public API
- Slack slash commands using Slack app integration on GitLab.com
- Productionize Object-Storage
- Link between project pipeline views (mini-graph)
- Namespace license checks for locking project membership to members of a group
- Namespace license checks for exporting issues
- Namespace license checks for audit events
- Namespace license checks for preventing committing secrets
- License checks for global code search (ElasticSearch)
- Namespace license checks for issue/MR templates
- Namespace license checks for contribution analytics
- Namespace license checks for burndown charts
- Namespace license checks for repository mirrors
- Namespace license checks for group-level webhooks
- Namespace license checks for issue weights
- Namespace license checks for branch and tag permissions for users and groups
- Namespace license checks for push rules
- Namespace license checks for fast-forward merge when possible
- Namespace license checks for squash and merge
- Namespace license checks for rebase MR before merge
- Namespace license checks for issue boards focus mode
- Namespace license checks for issue boards with milestones
- Namespace license checks for multiple issue boards
- Namespace license checks for MR approvers
- Namespace license checks for service desk
- Namespace license checks for multiple issue assignees
- GitLab CE features to work with unlicensed EE instance
- Adding approvals via our API could raise a race condition when an approval is sent via the API and a commit is pushed at the same time
- Git access over HTTPS is broken with LDAP account on Geo secondary
- Extend namespace license checks to existing EE features for GitLab.com and EE as default
- Environment-specific variables
- Service Desk by default configured on
- Related issues
- Project setting to toggle ability to overwrite merge request project settings
- ArtifactUploader copies files across filesystems
- Unable to remove approvers in 9.3.2
- Deprecated LDAP config syntax broken on 9.4.2 and up
- Only show Related Issues add badge when user can :admin_issue_link
- Rebasing not working with Merge Requests
- Licenses with explict plan: "" or plan: nil specifiers are not treated as EES
- Adding a related issue by keyboard adds the issue twice
- Elasticsearch indexer attempts to reindex entire repository with pull mirror
- Issue description is not taken atwho selection in consideration
- Geo log cursor is broken
- Transient spec failure in spec/features/protected_branches_spec.rb
- Sometimes, Deploy Boards show Kubernetes deployment not found
- DR: Could not connect to Geo node - HTTP Status Code: 500
- Elasticsearch AWS support not using role credentials when applicable
- navbar covers Boards topbar in focus mode
- Rebase not working with forked projects in 9.4.2
- `Board` should be `Boards` in new navigation
- Logged-out users can't see related issues
- Manual QA for 9.4 RC2 (staging)
- Audit events do not exist in new EE navigation admin panel
- Refactor docs for "Slack application service"
- Geo: Improve checks from SystemChecks to include more configuration issues
- Follow-up from "Namespace license checks for multiple assignees"
- Geo: investigate alternative to geo_{primary|secondary}_role in gitlab.yaml
- Add separate docs for multiple assignees
- Document that Code Quality needs a base report to compare to
- Expand `Namespace#feature_available?` to check the `application_settings` similar to what we have for `Project#feature_available?`
- Shared example group 'protected branches > access control' has been previously defined
- Related system note should not be visible for confidential issue if don't have confidential issue permission to view
- UI polish for Related Issues
- Increase parallelism of GeoRepositorySyncWorker
- Code Quality not shown in Status Widget
- Follow-up from "Document the Delete Merged Branches functionality"
- Text decoration on suggested approvers in MR Widget
- CE and EE KubernetesService
- Repository#fetch_geo_mirror quietly fails if the repository is broken
- Show replication status in Geo admin panel