expired on Jan 1, 2020
Next 2-3 months
Bigger issues we plan to ship in the next 2-3 months, but don't have a designated release yet.
DO NOT add small changes, bugs, regressions to this milestone.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- Clean up Cohorts
- Send ConvDev Index data to GitLab with dynamic leader score
- Request access to project should be on by default
- Increase diff usability for release posts
- API around merge request and commit discussions
- Jira integration breaks system notes when referencing issues from other projects
- API v4 does not return all the groups a user belong to
- Issue edit timeago has the wrong verbiage
- Prevent "Accept Merge Request" if a pipeline hasn't been run yet.
- Single click filter dropdown not showing all options
- Text is being mis-interpreted as JIRA project IDs
- Time spent is lost in the sidebar, when moving issues between projects
- No feedback when checking on checklist if potential spam was detected
- JiraService#close_issue does not catch all exceptions
- Cannot use `$` character in build variables
- Can't accept MR through API when option "Only allow merge requests to be merged if the build succeeds" is set
- Consider styling links and GFM references in user profile events and todos
- Issuable sidebar opens, closes for small screens, ignoring stored state
- Can't search for closed issues on a closed milestone
- Push rule to prevent committing secrets should skip binaries
- When approvers override is disabled at the project level, it should still be possible to remove approvers set in a specific MR
- "Reply by email" feature can enter an e-mail loop of death by replying to mailer-daemon undeliverable emails
- if issue has a single assignee unassigning doesn’t state which assignee was unassigned in system note
- Merge Widget Bug when using Fast-Forward merge strategy with approvals
- Rebase should use a lock or state machine to indicate a MR is being rebased
- Add more CI/CD metrics to Prometheus
- View real-time updates of issue / merge request sidebar
- Implement updating API for protected branches
- Implementation and supporting of Git LFS 2.x
- Realtime update of branch CI
- Make group-level project select faster and more efficient
- Banner policy
- Rails.logger messages lack timestamps and other context
- Adding issues in the board while in a filtered selection, doesn't assign the filter to the newly created issue
- Blocking Issues and Features for GNOME Migration to GitLab
- Removing projects should remove CI builds efficiently
- Exact search using gitlab API
- Feature request: Show merge SHA in MR widget after merging
- Scale/Optimise Avatars to output size
- MR diff/changes version bar doesn't reach 100% width, while content does
- Reposition revert and cherry-pick buttons on MR widget
- Formalize what we support for references to external issues [meta]
- Mobile optimisations MR-widget
- Code Climate data: how to interpret?
- Overview is lost in pipeline responsive table on mobile view
- In sidebar, show × on hover on label to remove the label
- Issue board should not scroll when sidebar slides in
- `Project#create_labels` runs `Label.templates` which is very slow
- Environment action buttons in MR view
- Use eTags for new MR widget polling endpoint?
- Make the docs URL configurable in admin area
- Resolvability of discussions in issues
- Slow performance starting a merge request
- Empty state for Changes tab in MR
- Artifacts upload error but build success
- Not clear why issue is closed if it has been moved to another project
- Cohorts analysis: show how active users are compare to the ones in the GitLab instance with the most active users
- Real-time issue relationships widget
- Ability to bulk transfer groups to another group
- Remove/hide job ID's
- View real-time updates of issue / merge request subscribe button state
- View real-time updates of issue / merge request participants
- View issue and merge request state real-time updates
- ETag caching for snippet notes polling
- ETag caching for commit notes polling
- ETag caching for merge request notes polling
- Please make it easier to distinguish email notifications by subject and within discussions
- Avatar dimensions for profile and projects
- Set protected branches "Allowed to push" to "No one" via API
- Add 'Filter by name' to the Milestones and Labels page
- Improve ergonomics for validation form
- Show that a deploy is running in MR
- Add a more helpful issues empty state
- Clear search filter in labels dropdown after someone hits enter key
- Board refresh dynamically
- allow variable substitution in CI tag names
- New layout for project runner settings
- Warn before applying issue templates
- Improve non-triggered manual action job detail page
- Show expiring date in addtion to countdown date for Expiration date on Memberships feature
- Webhooks branch filtering
- Forms with task lists can be overwritten when editing simultaniously
- Lock project variables to a specific branch(es)
- Feature: Show Indicator for files that are tracked by git lfs
- Show in MR widget if the merge was reverted
- Progressively enable elasticsearch for indexed projects
- Enabling maximum file size limit in repository causes pushes to fail
- Improve LDAP sync worker performance: memory usage and runtime
- Show issues of subgroups in group-level issue board
- Service desk settings when issue tracker is off
- Service Desk uses "Sender" Field, not "From" or "Reply-To" when handling issues
- Default Approvers for a merge request depend on what team a user is in
- Support replication for Docker container registries
- View GitLab merge request approvals information in associated JIRA issue
- Create GitLab merge request in JIRA issue in development panel
- Create GitLab branch in JIRA issue in development panel
- View GitLab merge requests in associated JIRA issue in development panel
- Approval appears to still be required after merge
- Show fuller code quality notices inside the mr widget like code climate does
- Increase approvals usage
- JIRA transitions for non-master GitLab branches
- Move elasticsearch watchers from callbacks to services
- Add Geo support for CI build logs and artifacts
- Create project from template
- DRY approval settings
- Approval groups per project and per merge request
- Subissues
- Blocking issues
- Cycles as abstraction of work over multiple projects
- LDAP group sync for GitLab.com
- Restrict access to group by IP address
- Retrieve merge request approvers via API
- Watch a file or directory in the source
- Template Repository
- User-friendly way to move projects between repository storages
- [ES] Search syntax
- GitLab Geo: Git LFS support / synchronization with object storage
- Limit file/directory access to certain people
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
- Real-time emoji award updates
- Add markdown editing buttons to the file editor
- For temporary alerts, replace static notification banners with toast notification
- New issue boards should have the default lists automatically
- Native group milestone issue list and merge request list
- Improve CI - Frontend performance
- View real-time updates of issue / merge request add todo button state
- Add or edit file path is misleading if you are committing to a new branch
- Add new file web form does not show complete path
- Streamline the developer's experience with `script/...`
- Show an indicator that LFS is enabled for a project
- Add logical operators to issue and other search - and, not, or
- Push to create a new project
- Confidential notes on an issue
- Transactional 'batch' merge request comments
- First screen after installation brainstorm
- Allow choosing the message and author for a squashed commit
- Audit log improvements (META)
Completed Issues (closed)