Paginate activity feed - infinite scroll
I find myself at least 5 times a day wishing I could scroll further down or access an archive of the activity feed, like I can for chat messages.
Our project, where@ has a gitter room that we use to coordinate work across the 10+ repos involved in the project. As such, the activity feed gets really crowded really quickly. This would be fine if I could see older items from the activity feed, but I can't. Useful information gets bumped out of feed display sidebar within hours, so a person logging in later in the day can't see what happened earlier in the day, particularly during periods of heavy activity -- which is when they'd most need/want to catch up on everything that had been going on!
One of the main reasons we moved away from Slack was so that we could see all updates from all our services coordinated in one place, but now that we're here, we can't, because the "one place" isn't big enough! :(