Update green favicon only on notifications - option to disable favicon per-room
Created by: MicahZoltu
Changing the favicon to green when new activity occurs is a great way to glance and see if I need open the tab. But this is currently tied to unread counts which makes it less than ideal for a room that I have set to "Announcements".
I only want to have the favicon turn green if I was actually notified of the message.
I really appreciate the simplification of the notification settings, they are much easier to understand now (compared to the previous Lurk button). However, it appears that there is no longer a way (or maybe there never was) to be in a channel, get notified of mentions and announcements, but not have the favicon change when people type in the channel.
I have quite a few Gitter channels open some of which are very high throughput. I want to stay in those channels both because I do sometimes use them and I want to receive announcements and be available for easy @mention
. However, this results in my favicon always being green. I have some other channels for my own repositories that have almost no traffic but I really need to be notified if someone says something. I can turn on All notifications for those channels but if I miss the pop-up it means I miss the message because I don't have any persistent indicator (such as the favicon).
Ideally, the favicon would only change color if I was set to be notified about a message. It would not change color for messages that aren't set to notify me. This would give me a persistent notification icon in a place that is easy to glance at throughout the day.