Make it really easy to search the current chat room and get informative results
Created by: benhutchison is a busy chat room with a huge and valuable back archive. Ive often gone to ask a question there and thought "I really should check if this has been discussed before..". more often than not it has.
Its not easy. The current gitter search functions feel a bit like a toy. heres why:
- They show "Room and People" over the top 50% of the screen. Im trying to do research and it's showing me completely irrelevant rooms Im not even a member of! Thats a separate function for a very different purpose, please dont "bundle" them in a 2 for 1 offer.
- You need some docs on how search works. What is the result ordering, and how can I control it? How are terms treated; and, or, scored? How many total results are there.
- I trust googles search a whole lot more than Gitter's ATM. Unfortunately, Google indexing seems disabled in gitter, even though the chatrooms are public. If you're going to turn the googlebot away, you must provide decent search yourself.
I'm trying to use the feature for real world research and its frustrating and underpowered.