Creating a room based on an existing github community fails
I wanted to create a room purely for devs of the project There is already a room based on the repo for any questions about the project. This is more of a support room or at least a very general room.
To that end I did the following:
- Select current bamboo room
- click 'add room'
- Only fill in the name of the new group, leave the rest as default.
- Press 'create'
The nothing happens. The following happens in the console of the DevTools every time I press 'create':
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined at N.r.<anonymous> (6.chunk.js:2) at i (router-app.js:4) at s (router-app.js:4)
If I look further into it then the following code gives a problem:
The function
updateFields: function() { var e = this.model.get("roomName") , t = this.getGroupFromId(this.model.get("groupId")) , n = this.model.get("associatedGithubProject") , i = this.model.get("security"); d.mutate(function() { this.ui.nameInput[0].value = e, this.ui.associatedProjectName[0].textContent = n ? n.get("name") : "", u(this.ui.associatedProjectLink[0], "hidden", !n), this.ui.associatedProjectLink[0].setAttribute("href", n ? l("", n.get("uri")) : ""), this.ui.publicSecurityOption[0].disabled = n && n.get("private"), this.ui.privateSecurityOption[0].disabled = n && !n.get("private"), n && (this.ui.publicSecurityOption[0].checked = !n.get("private"), this.ui.privateSecurityOption[0].checked = n.get("private")); var o = t && t.get("backedBy") , r = o && ("GH_ORG" === o.type || "GH_REPO" === o.type) , a = !r || "PUBLIC" !== i; u(this.ui.onlyGithubUsersOption[0], "hidden", a); var s = "PRIVATE" !== i; u(this.ui.onlyGroupUsersOption[0], "hidden", s), this.ui.onlyGroupUsersOptionGroupName[0].textContent = t.get("name"); var c = null; o && "GH_REPO" === o.type && (c = this.repoCollection.findWhere({ uri: o.linkPath })); var d = c && !c.get("private") , h = n && !n.get("private") , m = !(d || h) || "PUBLIC" !== i; u(this.ui.allowBadgerOption[0], "hidden", m), u(this.ui.roomDetailSection[0], "hidden", a && s && m); var p = ""; (this.model.validationError || []).forEach(function(e) { "group" !== e.key && "roomName" !== e.key || (p = e.message) } .bind(this)); var f = this.model.get("roomAvailabilityStatus"); f === w.PENDING ? setTimeout(function() { var e = this.model.get("roomAvailabilityStatus"); e === w.PENDING && (this.ui.roomAvailabilityStatusMessage[0].textContent = p) } .bind(this), 1e3) : this.ui.roomAvailabilityStatusMessage[0].textContent = p } .bind(this)) },
The error happens at the line this.ui.onlyGroupUsersOptionGroupName[0].textContent = t.get("name");