We need a rate limit on users posting. They can cut and paste a really amazing amount of content. In our case this was partially compounded by our bot (which we are fixing), but limiting total characters that someone can post might be a good idea. You could do some data analysis to figure out what an average rate is and what peaks are, to determine what is "reasonable".
We aren't hit with this as much but deleting messages for admins is a fairly basic feature that would improve things ALOT. I see recruiter posts in our channel and can't delete them only ban.
@agibsonccc If you think the recruiter spammed across many rooms, you can send a message to support@gitter.im and we can take care of it. Include a permalink to the message.
If it is spam, we don't want it sitting around for someone at gitter to get around to reviewing it and doing something. It should just be removed to keep people from responding to it and adding more noise to the room (yes, some people do try to respond.)
Checking for admin access to a channel and letting those people delete any message should be a trivial addition. It is insane that an open chat platform has been around this long and yet doesn't provide this basic functionality to operators.
It is getting to the point where I personally have already left a few channels because of spam problems and am getting close to leaving the Gitter platform entirely because it is simply too difficult to deal with in rooms that get spammed often.
I have to agree here. Delete/ban for admins should be pretty simple to add
here...its not like we are asking you to build a machine learning based
spam filter :(
Gitter is now being used as a scam tool for our project. The scammer creates a new account, joins our channel and posts a link to their scam site (cunningly made to look similar to our official releases page). Banning them doesn't help as they can create new users at near zero cost.
Please, guys, this is truly basic functionality. Get this feature in before we are forced to switch to Slack.
You can give us a permalink to the trouble messages in gitterHQ/gitter or send a message to support@gitter.im, and we can delete them. If things are becoming out of hand, we can chat more about a more effective strategy. I have also added a new issue about an idea to better indicate messages from banned users may be dangerous, feel free to give it a 👍 to help prioritize https://github.com/gitterHQ/gitter/issues/1468
This includes ... giving administrators the ability to delete messages and for the community to flag messages.
Yeah that's what I'm wanting. When is it likely to happen?
If you absolutely insist to place each and every deletion action through some super-moderator under your employ (rather than trust the very people who created the software behind the community in question), then at least automate the process rather than give us this 1995-era process of going into a separate chatroom, trying to get a moderator's attention and reporting it under plaintext. A simple "flag for deletion" button would solve the problem 80% and still keep you feeling like you were in ultimate control of moderation. Or even let admins moderate directly but provide a streamlined appeals process for users who feel they're being mistreated.
All we are trying to do is to ensure dangerous links are not posted and that people don't get scammed. Your ideals might be in the right place (though the idea of allowing user-banning without allowing message-deletion seems contradictory) but the practicality you are are forcing on us means that you are facilitating the bad guys here. Doing the wrong thing for the right reasons is still doing the wrong thing.
So, the recommended solution is simply to style banned user messages differently rather than allow outright deletion.
Let's say someone comes into a room and spams some religious stuff which is completely off-topic and not useful to anyone ever in the chatroom. We delete the user, however, their messages stay in-tact for people to see in the future when it isn't worth their time even looking at as it is off-topic completely to the channel in question. This is extremely weird to just style differently. Instead of styling, we should be able to remove nonsense posted into channels by spammers/scammers.
What I am getting the feeling of from gitter is that you don't care about communities being able to truly moderate themselves because you don't trust a few people who have requested deletions. Well, I for one have seen numerous things that are a no-brainer to just delete yet I have no idea how to do it. Apparently, we need to get in touch with a human somehow, but that is made clear in no way. Not to mention, just pure wasteful of administrators' time when we could just delete it right off in our channel and be on our way.
If you don't trust repository admins to moderate their repositories discussion, then why should the admins trust you to run the chat platform for them?
Any room admin can now delete messages from other users now.
If you are getting attacked by spam, please still report these users in the gitterHQ/gitter room or support@gitter.im so we can take care of them on a global level.
You can also manage room admins via the Permissions modal, Room settings -> Permissions