expired on Feb 13, 2014
February Quality Drive
Improve the quality of Gitter through bug-fixes and small enhancements that our customers have asked for.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Desktop: Webhooks aren't opening in new browser window
- Mobile landing page could do with some improvement
- Internals: user_login_auto_illegal providing incorrect data to stats
- Markdown in issue popover
- Some images from URLS not displayed
- Pgup and pgdown to work when chat input is in focus
- Show username in chat instead of displayname
- Improve app contrast
- :+1: and :-1: dont show as autocomplete suggestions after typing
- Activity: Link to Travis build
- Deal with long repo names in left menu better
- Support substitution command to edit previous message
- left menu scrollbars don't appear until after resize
- Syntax highlighting not always accurate
- Occasional 400 errors on eyeballs
- Left menu sometimes disconnects
- URLS with brackets in them don't hyperlink correctly
- Mac App: No way to prevent app from loading on startup
- Auto load images from typical sharing providers (CloudUp, Cloudapp, etc)