Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- Always send mobile notifications regardless of desktop presence
- Don't create notifications if window is in focus
- Notifications distract from reading/writing new messages
- iOS badges ONLY for mentions & announcements
- Add default notification setting for one-to-one rooms
- @mention prioritization or tags
- Send notification to different email address depending on room / organisation
- Update green favicon only on notifications - option to disable favicon per-room
- Decouple unread item count from emails
- Disabling one-to-one's
- Gitter email notifications are sub-optimal
- Add notification sound in web app
- Keyboard shortcut to clear all unread messages
- Make email notifications optional per room
- Create a notification when certain activities occur
- Notifications only on specific keywords
- File uploads/embeds to be more human readable in notification
- Dismiss alert notifications when message is read
- Email notification to be delivered quicker if person is offline
- Email on mention
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Direct reply in Android notification
- Disable desktop notifications but enable unread messages
- Need a way to disable the green slide-out notifications banner
- No way to disable browser notifications for private conversations
- Notification settings link does not work on android.
- Global notification settings
- Email: Frequency of Unread Notifications
- Improve notifications