Add the Gitaly dashboard into source control
Merge request reports
assigned to @yorickpeterse
@andrewn So as I mentioned on Slack right now the dashboards in this repository all assume you're using InfluxDB, and without any automated tools the Prometheus dashboards won't be too useful. For example, in the dashboard the source is hardcoded ("Prometheus in Azure") but this may be different for other users.
What is the reason for wanting this dashboard in Git?
@yorickpeterse, sorry I didn't totally grock you answer in Slack. I though when you said that we only have influx metrics, this was for historical rather than technical reasons.
What is the reason for wanting this dashboard in Git?
The Gitaly team has a standardised process for migrating a feature from git-running-on-an-nfs-mount to Gitaly.
Because we want to ensure that we've got good metrics for each of these features, one of the steps in the process involves creating a dashboard for the feature.
Once we've got this dashboard, we can start testing the feature to see how it performs.
I would rather perform this operation as a merge request, but if that's not possible, I guess we can create the dashboards in Grafana directly.
An alternative approach might be to create our Gitaly/Prometheus dashboards in another, new repo and make MRs there and (for the moment) manually load them into our Grafana instance from there.
@andrewn For now I would just create the dashboards in Grafana directly, as dashboards are dependent on our configuration (e.g. data sources) anyway. If you want to expose them to the public you can add a tag called "public" and it will become available on Ultimately we will start shipping the Prometheus dashboards somehow, but it will be a while before we get there.
@jacobvosmaer-gitlab please could you create a new repo under that we can store our dashboards. I would do it myself but don't have permission.
Moved to for now.