Issue after upgrade to gitlab-ce-9.2.2-ce.0.el7.x86_64 on centos 7
Hi I encounter an issue that avoid gitlab to run. Gitlab ce refuse to run because of some permission issue :
- Fatal error, can't open config file '/var/opt/gitlab/redis/redis.conf'
- level=error msg="Error loading config: couldn't load configuration (-config.file=/var/opt/gitlab/prometheus/prometheus.yml): open /var/opt/gitlab/prometheus/prometheus.yml: permission denied" source="main.go:159"
- postgres cannot access the server configuration file "/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf": Permission denied
Here I give some informations about my issue : gitlab-ctl status :
run: gitaly: (pid 2271) 57697s; run: log: (pid 4302) 65553s
run: gitlab-monitor: (pid 2276) 57697s; run: log: (pid 4433) 65543s
run: gitlab-workhorse: (pid 1252) 57769s; run: log: (pid 20096) 70523s
run: logrotate: (pid 10750) 95s; run: log: (pid 20094) 70523s
run: node-exporter: (pid 2287) 57696s; run: log: (pid 4371) 65549s
run: postgres-exporter: (pid 2294) 57696s; run: log: (pid 4415) 65545s
down: postgresql: 0s, normally up, want up; run: log: (pid 20105) 70523s
down: prometheus: 0s, normally up, want up; run: log: (pid 4357) 65551s
down: redis: 0s, normally up, want up; run: log: (pid 20104) 70523s
run: redis-exporter: (pid 1925) 57724s; run: log: (pid 4391) 65547s
run: sidekiq: (pid 11512) 10s; run: log: (pid 20095) 70523s
run: unicorn: (pid 11500) 10s; run: log: (pid 20100) 70523s
Even I execute gitlab-ctl reconfigure, the permission denied issues stay.
I have a particularity on my system, I had to create a symbol link : lrwxrwxrwx 1 gitlab gitlab-www 23 29 mai 16:58 gitlab -> /data/gitlab/var/gitlab
If you need to see my gitlab.rb config, I can add it. May you give some advises to fix this issue. Jerome