we have gitlab on /gitlab/ and after upgrading to 1.7.0 http cloning did not work out of the box. I don't really know ruby, but I fixed it with the following patch (hard coded, sorry). Also @env['REQUEST_PATH'] was not set on our server (apache), had to use @request.path
--- a/config/initializers/grack_auth.rb+++ b/config/initializers/grack_auth.rb@@ -13,10 +41,11 @@ module Grack ENV['GL_BYPASS_UPDATE_HOOK'] = "true" # Need this patch because the rails mount- @env['PATH_INFO'] = @env['REQUEST_PATH']+ @env['PATH_INFO'] = @request.path.sub('gitlab/', '')
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I had the same problem and kept my pipe down, hoping that 2.9 would fix this issue.
Apparently it does not, bummer.
My setup is:
gitlab configured on SITE/gitlab/
Apache 2.2 with passenger
authentication uses LDAP (n. b. my LDAP does not use static passwords, but instead one time passwords (Google Authenticator and Yubikey) - this means that the bind password is always different if that matters...)
Push/pull via https and one time passwords is a really important feature for me.
I am observing the following:
gitlab web login works (LDAP with one time password)
git push/pull via ssh works fine
git push/pull via https (i. e. username/LDAP password) does NOT work
The FIRST log line appears immediately after I hit return on the fetch statement.
The two next requests appear after hitting return for the password prompt with the fetch statement.
The gitlab production log file shows the corresponding entries:
Started GET "/gitlab/dummy.git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack" for IP at 2012-09-23 11:53:35 +0200
Started GET "/gitlab/dummy.git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack" for IP at 2012-09-23 11:53:41 +0200
Started GET "/gitlab/dummy.git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack" for IP at 2012-09-23 11:53:41 +0200
Additional observation:
The LDAP server backend is accessed when logging in to the web frontend.
But it does not get hit at all when a git http request is made! (Checked via tcpdump)
By Administrator on 2012-09-23T10:49:26 (imported from GitLab)
I'm not using mod_ldap at all in Apache, so I don't think this is an issue.
My Gitlab is configured to use LDAP as an authentication backend, and the lack of any authentication with LDAP during an HTTP pull request seems to indicate that the authentication is not at all triggered by Gitlab itself. Maybe it is hardcoded to use internal authentication?
By Administrator on 2012-10-11T09:47:54 (imported from GitLab)
This is not desirable in cases you wish to use an already existing SSL certificate for your site which does not include github.example.com as an Subject Alternative Name.
In most cases you need to pay extra for additional SANs in certificates, and in addition you will have to replace the existing certificate (going through the whole request and installation process) just for the extra Gitlab hosting.
For me this is not acceptable, so I decided to host Gitlab on the already existing SSL enabled virtual host, protected by the already existing certificate.
By Administrator on 2012-10-11T11:02:52 (imported from GitLab)
@vonc If I understood correctly, once we are using apache passenger, we don't need the puma server. My gitlab init script is always stopped. Everything runs ok except http clone.
I guess that if you use apache proxypass you will need the puma server.
Am I missing some config about Smart HTTP?
By Administrator on 2013-05-04T15:21:35 (imported from GitLab)
git clone http://swf-gitlab.mycorp.org/bears-team/devops.gitCloning into 'devops'...Username for 'http://swf-gitlab.mycorp.org': hgomezPassword for 'http://hgomez@swf-gitlab.mycorp.org': fatal: Authentication failed
Everything works well via SSH but no luck with HTTP.
Note, I'm using Apache HTTP who proxyfiy to Puma via
git clone http://swf-gitlab.mycorp.org:9292/bears-team/devops.gitCloning into 'devops'...Username for 'http://swf-gitlab.mycorp.org:9292': hgomezPassword for 'http://hgomez@swf-gitlab.mycorp.org:9292': fatal: Authentication failed
By Administrator on 2013-05-24T15:16:18 (imported from GitLab)