API for Notes
Created by: heapsdigital
Is anyone working on API endpoint for Notes? I don't know if it should be genericised for 'all' noteable types, but for my purposes it would be quite useful in context of an Issue. Unless there is precedent elsewhere an endpoint for each noteable type makes sense (the API can be more abstracted from the underlying gitlab data structure)
e.g. in context of Issues
- list notes: GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id/notes
- single note: GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id/notes/:note_id
- new note: POST /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id/notes
- delete note: DELETE GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id/notes/:note_id
Great work on the API too! I'm using it to integrate stories from Pivotal Tracker, migrate old bugs from Mantis, and also create issues from a mail address.