I'd like to make a new developer vm based on Vagrant ( clean ubuntu box + chef_solo cookbooks).
Cause update 1.5GB VM image is a real pain.
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+1. Always wanted to see this done, and I remember seeing atomic penguin creating a cookbook and publishing it on his repo. (some discussion was already going on in the google group)
I believe there is also other people creating cookbooks here and there, but it was, as fas as I remember, the best I have seen.
This can/should be closed too. Or maybe you want to keep it until the documentation/wiki has been updated?
In any case, @iamntz, I will see what I can do for windows machine in the next few days. You shouldn't need any NFS trick to make it faster, unlike Mac/Linux so it would probably just be a configuration switch.
By Administrator on 2012-09-28T13:27:32 (imported from GitLab)
I don't care that much if the whole thing is slow, as long i can use my editor and the vm it's not too slow (i guess 2-3 second/page load is acceptable; on the other hand, 20 seconds is that cool)
By Administrator on 2012-09-28T13:44:48 (imported from GitLab)
Some bumps down the road:
First i had to gem install librarian (because i didn't had it before)
Then, on vagrant up
I had this thing:
The host class is reporting that NFS is not supported by this host, or nfsd may not be installed. Please verify that nfsd is installed on your machine, and retry.
Which should be fixed with this. Unfortunately, this will work only on win7 enterprise (i'm on win7 pro). I'll keep digging and keep you updated.
Well librarian is in the gemfile, so it should be there when you ran bundle install. You may need to use bundle exec librarian-chef install instead of just librarian-chef as the doc states.
Next I think you are not on the good branch, try cloning my repository and checkout fixes.
I really need to find a way to try it out myself at some point... Thanks.
By Administrator on 2012-10-02T06:59:48 (imported from GitLab)
Switched to fixes branch, ran the vagrant up (after i changed vagrantfile as above) and had this at the end:
Tasks: TOP => db:seed_fu(See full trace by running task with --trace)---- End output of su -l-c'cd /vagrant/gitlabhq && bundle exec rake db:seed_fu RAILS_ENV=development' vagrant ----Ran su -l-c'cd /vagrant/gitlabhq && bundle exec rake db:seed_fu RAILS_ENV=development' vagrant returned 1Chef never successfully completed! Any errors should be visible in theoutput above. Please fix your recipes so that they properly complete.
Probably that nfs thing messed things up a little.
I did some research and i found out that nfsd can be installed only with unix tools, which are not available for editions lower than enterprise.
However, i only used vagrant (without chef, puppet or anything, just vagrant) only once before like an year ago, also for a rails app, and the setup was something like this:
vagrant up
connect to ssh vagrant
goto /vagrant/_my_rails_app ( which actually was the folder on my windows machine)
run bundle install, rails s and so on
I had no issues back then. The vagrant file looks like this:
Vagrant::Config.run do |config| config.vm.box ="ppc" config.vm.forward_port 3000, 3000end
(i didn't configured the box tho, i just received)
Can't gitlab run the same way ?
By Administrator on 2012-10-02T07:35:22 (imported from GitLab)
Actually you are pretty far in the process. Seeding the database (and gitolite) with information on a few project is the last step of the installation. I believe you stumbled upon a bug, so I will just wait to find out on a Windows machine.
FYI, Gitlab can't run with only this kind of settings. It needs provisioning for quite a few tasks (which, if you are interested are all described in the source files). It's true we could let you bundle install and seed yourself, but I thought it would be a lot more fun if people could just vagrant up, vagrant ssh and rails s into a working environment.
By Administrator on 2012-10-02T07:48:10 (imported from GitLab)
However, running rails s will start the server wth no error but i can't access from my windows machine by going to http://localhost:3000/ (it should work like so, no?)
// edit //
I opened another ssh session and i tried to wget 127.0.0.:3000 and things works (i had some activity into rails s window). So i guess it's a network issue. Cod be something related to config.vm.network :hostonly, '' in vagrantfile?
By Administrator on 2012-10-02T09:14:32 (imported from GitLab)
The IP to access the virtual machine is (or 192.168.π as I like to call it). Seeding doesn't work because there is a mess up with ssh keys... I'll have to investigate that further. Thank!
By Administrator on 2012-10-02T09:20:25 (imported from GitLab)
Ok, so this might be stupid as hell, but i edited gitolite_config.rb and commented out this line 74: raise Gitolite::AccessDenied.new("gitolite timeout")
After this, bundle exec rake db:seed_fu RAILS_ENV=development worked like a charm!
Let's start hacking now! :)
By Administrator on 2012-10-02T16:19:04 (imported from GitLab)
i completely removed all vagrant boxes on my system
i started to install the whole thing again, failed at the exact same step;
i created a new rails project in a new folder and this new project was blazing fast (added few large & dummy css & js files). I had to install node (by apt-get install node to boot this test)
then i started gitlab server and... it's noticeable faster. Still takes ~20 seconds for a page load, refresh, but compared with couple of minutes...
I have no idea if this mean something and if will help. Unfortunately, I don't have another windows machine to test and see if things are slow on windows in general or my machine is f***ed up.
By Administrator on 2012-10-06T19:46:24 (imported from GitLab)