Release Checklist for 3.1
Created by: riyad
all tests must pass on all supported platforms -
make sure there are no open critical issues -
update VERSION to3.1.0
update the CHANGELOG -
update the -
update the gitlab_meta gem -
merge release code into stable branch -
tag a version
make sure is up-to-date -
make sure the installation instructions are up-to-date -
make sure the installation script can install GitLab in a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS VM -
make sure the user is prompted before destructive actions -
add update instructions to the Wiki -
make sure those work (using copy and paste) on a previous release of GitLab in a VM -
make sure the status script catches all pit-falls from the previous release -
make sure the status script gives useful/correct remedy instructions
make sure all the documents under doc/ are up-to-date -
make sure the Wiki Home page is up-to-date -
make sure all links in the Wiki work
update the -
make sure the contribution pages in the Wiki are up-to-date -
make sure the dev env setup instructions are up-to-date -
make sure the Issue Submission Guide is up-to-date -
make sure the Trouble Shooting Guide is up-to-date
prepare a release note for the blog -
prepare screen shots for the release note
Please add missing points below. If you have checked one of the above points please report if it can be cleared or what needs fixing.