Hey guys. I read a lot of issues about public access to projects.
Since GitLab is private code hosting - You know I am against this idea.
But i think it maybe a compromise for us.
What If we allow enable http-readonly-clone for specific projects?
I'd say "yes please" on this. Even for private hosting, there's an additional few steps for people who just want to check out the code and use it without ever worrying about committing it back or maintaining their own fork of it. Git becomes the method of deployment for them (real world example from our organization: Puppet manifests), and being able to do public anonymous clones would dramatically simplify that part of the process.
By Administrator on 2013-01-10T19:40:13 (imported from GitLab)
Here at the University there are projects that I work on and would like to share, but since others that don't know git don't have access I have to send them a copy or host it elsewhere. With public access they can get the files themselves and they'll always be up-to-date without me having to do a separate sharing service.
By Administrator on 2013-01-10T19:41:52 (imported from GitLab)
Great! I know that you are totally against this and do that only as a flavor to all users - and that's what I really appreciate. It's not only the feature, it's you - willing to do that. Thanks a lot!
By Administrator on 2013-01-10T20:18:40 (imported from GitLab)
at first i love the idea but i think politically it wouldn't help gitlab.
an alternative would be something like Autopush to a git | github repo to sync you private and public repo...
By Administrator on 2013-01-10T20:51:31 (imported from GitLab)
+1 yes please. Though your previous suggestion (a while ago now) of being able to set permissions for 'any authenticated' user would be even better, as that would allow an LDAP auth user to sign in, clone, read issues, browse diffs etc
By Administrator on 2013-01-11T02:25:59 (imported from GitLab)
one more addition to this. I once read that it's not only a question of what is missing/wished, but also of do we really need it. nearly everything could be integrated (someone always wishes something), but a good developers asks himself, if it really is useful.
I wrote this so less experienced users may think about it - it's so important..and of course that the gitlab team knows, it's doing the absolutely right thing.
Related to this specific issue, see me 1st comment. Thx :)
By Administrator on 2013-01-11T12:30:30 (imported from GitLab)
+1 and it would be nice to allow other features (issues, mergerequest, network graph) to be configurable for public access per project/group with RO/RW mode.
By Administrator on 2013-01-13T13:26:21 (imported from GitLab)