Debian Squeeze - Redis: ERR unknown command 'brpop'
Created by: kossmac
Hi all,
my log (log/sidekiq.log) is full with these errors:
2013-01-21T15:28:01Z 24942 TID-12ovo8 ERROR: Error fetching message: ERR unknown command 'brpop' 2013-01-21T15:28:01Z 24942 TID-12ovo8 ERROR: /home/gitlab/gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/redis-3.0.2/lib/redis/client.rb:85:in `call'
GitLab 4.1 - Debian Squeeze - Redis 1.2.6-1
brpop ( is not available on redis-server which is shipped with debian squeeze. It's only "Available since 2.0.0." regarding this page.