Closing issue via API indicates wrong user performing the action
Created by: mphuff
We are using version 4.0 of Gitlab. Below are a set of curl commands to demonstrate the functionality I am describing. Assume that I have the following setup:
Issue ID: 47 Project ID: 96 Private token: JyrMpqSeNUoYqXehFmt3
The following commands will demonstrate this problem.
# Adding a note to this existing issue will indicate that I created the note:
curl -d "body=This is a note to show that the proper user is tagged for the issue note" http://<MY GITLAB SERVER>/api/v3/projects/96/issues/49/notes?private_token=JyrMpqSeNUoYqXehFmt3
# Closing this issue through the API will mark this as closed by a different user
curl -X PUT -d "closed=1" http://<MY GITLAB SERVER>/api/v3/projects/96/issues/49?private_token=JyrMpqSeNUoYqXehFmt3
You can see the issue in the picture below. My API key corresponds to the person "Micah Huff".
This is obviously a critical issue as the incorrect user is being tagged as having done some work in the system.
Thank you, Micah