Sounds like a huge change. Therefore it also sounds a bit scary to me. Gitolite has been proved to be working solid. And gitlab (in combination with gitolite) works solid for us too.
So my main questions are :
Will there be a proper migration path ?
Will there be a configurable choice for users to either use gitolite or gitlab-shell ?
When will gitlab 5.0 be released ? I think next are 4.2 in Feb. and 4.3 in March, right ?
I am just afraid to run into big trouble when switching this essential part of the system to something completely unknown (at least for me). I am just a bit nervous about this change but I am not saying "Don't do that" ;-)
By Administrator on 2013-02-05T09:50:51 (imported from GitLab)
GitLab 5.0 will be at March 22. We will not be compatible with gitolite. I will make a proper migration for existing users.
I agree that gitolite is a solid solution. But gitolite has some disadvantages in combination with GitLab.
Some of them:
Its a really hard to keep sync between GitLab and gitolite
On big number of repos ( > 2000) creating a new repo, key, etc is really slow.
When one user creates repo another one wait cause of lock with gitolite-admin
A lot of code for parsing, pulling, pushing gitolite-admin config and keys
I understand its a huge change but its also an evolution of GitLab.
simplier setup
less dependencies
increase of perfomance
Since I finish with gitlab-shell I made a migration of my servers and write a migration manual.
By Administrator on 2013-02-05T10:15:09 (imported from GitLab)
Most of the permission hassles will be resolved if gitlab-shell can take out need for gitlab user.
I feel decision to have only one user (git) is a major move towards simplifying setup. Very welcome change indeed.
While I understand that gitolite does lots of parsing, perl helps in doing them at amazing speed. But if a solution is avoiding that lock I guess that can improve performance to some extent but can't hope to be a leap difference.
And I wish gitolite-shell will use config syntax of gitolite.
By Administrator on 2013-02-05T11:59:51 (imported from GitLab)