Missing newline in HAML file(s)
Created by: nextus
re all
I have strange issue with styles in gitlab web-frontend. Intrinsically, there is absence a new lines between different commands. It's easy to understand if you are looking at this:
I have scoured a source files and found related part on this file: /home/git/gitlab/app/views/merge_requests/show/_how_to_merge.html.haml
I took md5 hash by this file and it's fully match with upstream file:
d5d2ce81e40ef09c5c087598b9d9b677 _how_to_merge.html.haml
Is it problem with some kind of my misconfiguration or it is upstream issue?
There is my system information:
System information System: CentOS 5.7 Current User: git Using RVM: no Ruby Version: 1.9.3p194 Gem Version: 1.8.23 Bundler Version:1.2.3 Rake Version: 10.0.4 GitLab information Version: 5.1.0 Revision: 7214a30 Directory: /usr/home/git/gitlab DB Adapter: mysql2 URL: http://gitlab.relax.ru HTTP Clone URL: http://gitlab.relax.ru/some-project.git SSH Clone URL: git@gitlab.relax.ru:some-project.git Using LDAP: no Using Omniauth: no GitLab Shell Version: 1.3.0 Repositories: /home/git/repositories/ Hooks: /home/git/gitlab-shell/hooks/ Git: /usr/bin/git