Would it make sense to implement this as gitolite groups? So simply add users to groups and add groups to projects (giving all the users in the group the groups permissions on the project ...), i.e. users and groups share a common ancestor class that can be assigned to projects ...
By Administrator on 2012-07-03T13:04:36 (imported from GitLab)
I think it makes perfect sense to implement this as gitolite groups. However, I'm not sure if Gitolite gives us an API using which we can query members of a group, list of groups and userid's that have access to a particular project etc. We need that to show it on the Gitlab UI for the project owner. If not, then Gitlab will have to parse the gitolite config file to get this information. If that's the case, will it scale when the config file has thousands of rows?
By Administrator on 2012-07-03T14:13:42 (imported from GitLab)
I didn't have a deep look at the implementation but I think this information needs to be in the Gitlab database and we just need to create the proper gitolite config and there should be no need to parse that file ...
By Administrator on 2012-07-03T14:15:51 (imported from GitLab)
i just installed gitlab at our office, and resorted to making queries to the database to give all our developers access to all our projects, teams would have been really helpful!
It would be nice to be able to give people a default access level in a team, so certain people are always have master access, our testing people would always have reporter access, etc.
By Administrator on 2012-07-25T12:52:53 (imported from GitLab)
+1 for permissions on team/group level and users can belong to one or more groups. Extra points if groups can be in LDAP for integration with AD. Thanks.
By Administrator on 2012-11-08T07:34:19 (imported from GitLab)
Any updates as to whether this will hit the 3.1 milestone? It is a very critical issue impacting our gitlab adoption decision. Would be pleased to be re-assured!
By Administrator on 2012-11-09T20:01:47 (imported from GitLab)
+1 - I'd like to set access by LDAP groups. This does not need to allow for any sort of push access to gitolite, I just need to allow non-developers to submit issues.
By Administrator on 2012-11-29T21:59:38 (imported from GitLab)