expired on Dec 23, 2012
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- v3.1.0 issue creation and display failed
- what is the purpose of 'all' merge requests in dashboard?
- Up API version for 4.0 release
- Notify team members of project name/namespace change
- 3.1 Merge Request Diff Comments not shown on Diff
- Admin can delete himself
- rake gitlab:app:backup_create fails cloning gitolite-admin.git
- Upgrading Ruby to ruby-1.9.3-p327 results in Ruby Version: unknown
- [bug] Incorrect URL in post-receive JSON data for commits
- [bug] - Same repository name in different namespaces
- Pygments Error
- Email notification and wall messages
- Long line in snippet brokes line counter
- Fix chosen broken by #2176
- allow admin to pick from all possible namespaces when editing a project
- Performance improvement - add foreign key indexes
- Remove Guest role?
- Check git over http
- Namespace bugs
- Bug in PostReceive#perform
- Next version number?
- When adding user to project in admin section I can select blocked user
- Remove comments from Wiki
- Download of Project is broken
- Version 3.1 - Bug display tooltip in network
- Snippet layout issue with comments for production mode in Chrome
- Webhook json format incorrect
- GL3.1: automatic avatar has gone away?
- [Feature] Show GitLab CI output in merge request
- clonable repository url in hook response.
- Make the gitlab:app:status task more useful
- create project with invalid name -> need to reload page to correct the name
- PostgreSQL: integer in statement vs. text column
- Allow emoji completion to be cancelled
- Error 500 while trying to see source file
- Help page describing gitlab specific rake tasks & usage
- Project list sorted after paging
- Minor: Chrome: Issue page: text does not wrap on the right
- </script> isn't escaped in network graph
- Vagrant box for developers
- Cannot delete Projects with team members
- API for Notes
- GFM fails for user names with spaces
- Merging via the web gui doesn't fire webhook.
- deleting and readding a protected branch
- Teams that can be added to project on creation
- 'Compare' showing incorrect data