Passed Started
Dhiraj Bodicherla
This job is archived. Only the complete pipeline can be retried.
1Running with gitlab-runner 12.5.0-rc1 (b295d93b)2 on docker-auto-scale fa6cab464Starting service postgres:latest ...5Pulling docker image postgres:latest ...6Using docker image sha256:4a82a16ee75c9694798fc5f7aeae8eceb71658e801ca82b356694c1f1cb2cf8e for postgres:latest ...7Waiting for services to be up and running...8Pulling docker image gliderlabs/herokuish:latest ...9Using docker image sha256:62c0442cd1f2789b35645775e0630db681ded8d19ae86605c03f3b93ab83db36 for gliderlabs/herokuish:latest ... 10 Running on runner-fa6cab46-project-4422333-concurrent-0 via runner-fa6cab46-stg-srm-1575868519-8ecc8bbf...
12Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/monitor/monitor-sandbox/.git/13Created fresh repository.15 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/12691041 -> refs/pipelines/1269104116 * [new branch] master -> origin/master17Checking out fe5c9d47 as master...18Skipping Git submodules setup20$ export DATABASE_URL="postgres://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@${DB_HOST}:5432/${POSTGRES_DB}"21$ cp -R . /tmp/app22$ /bin/herokuish buildpack test23-----> Node.js app detected25-----> Creating runtime environment27 NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error28 NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false29 NODE_ENV=test30 NODE_MODULES_CACHE=true31 NODE_VERBOSE=false33-----> Installing binaries34 engines.node (package.json): unspecified35 engines.npm (package.json): unspecified (use default)37 Resolving node version 10.x...38 Downloading and installing node 10.17.0...39 Using default npm version: 6.11.341-----> Installing dependencies42 Installing node modules (package.json + package-lock)43 added 159 packages from 617 contributors and audited 303 packages in 4.884s44 found 8 vulnerabilities (1 low, 1 moderate, 6 high)45 run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details47-----> Build49-----> Pruning devDependencies50 Skipping because NODE_ENV is 'test'52-----> Caching build53 - node_modules55-----> Build succeeded!56> demo@0.0.0 test /app57> mocha58 App59GET / 200 270.497 ms - 17060 ✓ has the default page (292ms)61 1 passing (301ms)62Job succeeded