Passed Started
Reuben Pereira
This job is archived. Only the complete pipeline can be retried.
1Running with gitlab-runner 13.0.0 (c127439c)2 on docker-auto-scale 729897614Using Docker executor with image ...5Pulling docker image ...6Using docker image sha256:4aca6fbf5caa5bc8a72d2cadf1b4cb9f7571e97bb0d57d0dc896b635f160a85e for ...8Running on runner-72989761-project-4422333-concurrent-0 via runner-72989761-stg-srm-1592219481-04a63bc5...10$ eval "$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT"11Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...12Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/monitor/monitor-sandbox/.git/13Created fresh repository.15 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/12784619 -> refs/pipelines/1278461916 * [new branch] master -> origin/master17Checking out 8186baa9 as master...18Skipping Git submodules setup22$ /analyzer run23Found project in /builds/gitlab-org/monitor/monitor-sandbox24Fetching origin26 bbc25f03..be22e538 master -> origin/master27 * [new tag] v1.0.138 -> v1.0.13828 * [new tag] v1.0.139 -> v1.0.13929Already on 'master'30Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 8 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.31 (use "git pull" to update your local branch)322020/06/15 11:12:39 Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: package-lock.json36Uploading artifacts...37gl-dependency-scanning-report.json: found 1 matching files 38Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok id=37257416 responseStatus=201 Created token=gyfduFPX39Job succeeded