@@ -8,12 +8,15 @@ Multi-user Prometheus is a project to allows you to use one Prometheus instance
## Functionality
1. Query proxy that changes queries to be relevant for one user.
1. Add OAuth support
1. Make it work with auto deploy
1. Isolation of resource usage
1. Audit trail
1. Role based access control
1. Maybe easy setup of https? [Google Doc that is internal to GitLab team members](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZXYfQH75CbzgLGQXJtIPn-2UsjHb0bICMj4Ibqc9bsQ/edit)
This is not multi-tenant Prometheus, Weaveworks is working on that.
## Packaging
People can use the Go binary made based on this repo. But we'll also have it as part of our omnibus packages. We install Prometheus already. Now will put Multi-user Prometheus in front. Set up with GitLab OAuth like Mattermost.
@@ -36,10 +39,12 @@ Shipping the rest of Prometheus has priority. Julius gets time for this when the
## People
- Maintainer: Julius V.
- Lead: Ben K.
- Product manager: Joshua L.
- Packaging: Marin J.
See the [GitLab team page](https://about.gitlab.com/team/).