We are using autoscaled builders. We are currently uploading some cache to S3 but that is helping just a bit. We need to find a way to speed this up, the builds are slower now than with dedicated machines...
@ayufan Previously omnibus was detecting whether it already built the software definition and if the cache is not "dirtied" it would just skip the build. I remembered that omnibus used to have s3 caching, I will look into that quickly i case we can have a quick win that way.
A lot of this time is spent on pulling from S3, pushing to S3. I will try to change the bucket location to be closer to the builder machines, that might shave off a couple of minutes.
Enabled autoscaling for RPI package builds in Scaleway -> Builds went down from 9+ hours to 4 hours and we were no longer limited to 2 builders
We started storing external dependencies in our S3 bucket which means that builds are less susceptible to external issues
More tweaks have been done which included clearing out the cache and starting building cache from scratch -> This brought build time down to approx 35 minutes with warm cache. PI builds still took around 3.5 hours