Default postgres version change
We started shipping two versions of PG and also gitlab-ctl pg-upgrade
task to allow users to upgrade their PG version.
We talked about making GitLab 9.0 hard stop gitlab-ctl reconfigure
if users did not upgrade PG yet and we have been notifying users through our blog posts to upgrade in time.
The idea was to have version 9.0 be the last version that will ship both versions of PG and then with version 9.1 have PG 9.6 be the default and only version available.
I am starting to have second thoughts about this; How do we enforce this for users who upgrade somewhere down the line from older GitLab versions, eg. 8.4 to 9.4?
If we only ship the new version of PG, users won't be able to get their GitLab instance to start.
Fix the auto backup that runs on package upgrades. Maybe just run pg-binaries check before gitlab-rake? -
Extend our reconfigure preinstallation script , to automatically check the PG version + attempt pg-upgrade before everything else runs. -
Provide manual workarounds if something goes wrong. -
Print the message with manual command and that we will attempt upgrading again on the next reconfigure upgrade