"We had to use port 2222 as 22 is already in use on the VMs, also for the configuration of the elastic load balancer to work correctly.
It was also a pre-emptive move so that when we have the TCP Router functionality in CloudFoundry where we can more easily expose the SSH functionality the port falls in an allowed range.
The piece that sounds like it is missing is for the GitLab UI to be updated so the example git urls provided have the 2222 port given instead of 22. "
After checking with @WarheadsSE, it appears we already have a way to support SSH (documentation), but it's not pretty nor simple. This current issue would make it easier.
Because support for SSH is possible today, although a bit painful to setup, this issue can be put on the side for a while, until we receive concrete demand for this.
@WarheadsSE No customer has asked me for it. This does not mean that they are not asking PCF sales reps for it - but none of them have relayed it on to us. Since there is a workaround (per @regisF's comment above) I would say this is safe to have a lower priority