Upgrade Go build to 1.8.x
Prometheus 1.6.x requires Go 1.8.x to build.
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- Maintainer
@nick.thomas Do
build on Go 1.8?@jacobvosmaer-gitlab Do
build on Go 1.8?@bjk-gitlab Do all exporters build on 1.8?
One remaining question is Registry, we need to upgrade the version !1513 (merged) before we bump the version of Go.
Edited by Marin Jankovski - Marin Jankovski mentioned in merge request !1495 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !1495 (merged)
- Author Developer
Double checked, yes, all of the included exporters build on 1.8.
- Maintainer
@marin we test them against go1.8 so they should be fine:
Edited by Nick Thomas - Contributor
What @nick.thomas said. :)
Edit: I could add I do development on gitaly and workhorse using go 1.8, but that is on darwin, not linux.
Still I don't foresee any build problems with 1.8.
Edited by Jacob Vosmaer (GitLab) - Maintainer
Thanks all. We will check the Registry and push the go 1.8 through.
- Marin Jankovski added Internal Maintenance and removed prometheus labels
added Internal Maintenance and removed prometheus labels
- Marin Jankovski mentioned in merge request !1513 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !1513 (merged)
- Balasankar C mentioned in merge request gitlab-omnibus-builder!40 (merged)
mentioned in merge request gitlab-omnibus-builder!40 (merged)
- Balasankar C assigned to @balasankarc
assigned to @balasankarc
- Developer
Here are package builds using Go 1.8.1 (ignore OpenSUSE 42.1. It failed because the image creation failed): https://dev.gitlab.org/gitlab/omnibus-gitlab/pipelines/48005
The temporary images are here: https://gitlab.com/balasankarc/gitlab-omnibus-builder/container_registry
- Balasankar C added Unscheduled label
added Unscheduled label
- Stan Hu closed via commit gitlab-omnibus-builder@67885435
closed via commit gitlab-omnibus-builder@67885435
- DJ Mountney mentioned in merge request !1523 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !1523 (merged)
- DJ Mountney mentioned in commit tnir/omnibus-gitlab@09e71a4e
mentioned in commit tnir/omnibus-gitlab@09e71a4e
- Andrew Newdigate mentioned in issue gitaly#203 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitaly#203 (closed)