Support GeoLogCursor in omnibus
As part of, we are adding a separate process that will run on the Geo secondary.
We should start add support for this in omnibus for 9.4.
/cc: @brodock
Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
As part of, we are adding a separate process that will run on the Geo secondary.
We should start add support for this in omnibus for 9.4.
/cc: @brodock
So this is another daemon that we need to support? Can you point me to a discussion where I can check what other options have been considered?
Yes, the main issue is in
There wasn't a lot of discussion about not having a separate process for this because:
We're open to discussing alternative ideas.
assigned to @brodock
changed milestone to %9.4
added geo label
mentioned in issue #2192 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !1693 (closed)