Reconfigure always changes postgres runit files
I've noticed that everytime reconfigure runs, we get a change:
file[/opt/gitlab/sv/postgresql/supervise/ok] action touch
- create new file /opt/gitlab/sv/postgresql/supervise/ok
- change owner from '' to 'gitlab-psql'
- change group from '' to 'gitlab-psql'
- update utime on file /opt/gitlab/sv/postgresql/supervise/ok
* file[/opt/gitlab/sv/postgresql/log/supervise/ok] action touch
- create new file /opt/gitlab/sv/postgresql/log/supervise/ok
- change owner from '' to 'gitlab-psql'
- change group from '' to 'gitlab-psql'
- update utime on file /opt/gitlab/sv/postgresql/log/supervise/ok
* file[/opt/gitlab/sv/postgresql/supervise/control] action touch
- create new file /opt/gitlab/sv/postgresql/supervise/control
- change owner from '' to 'gitlab-psql'
- change group from '' to 'gitlab-psql'
- update utime on file /opt/gitlab/sv/postgresql/supervise/control
* file[/opt/gitlab/sv/postgresql/log/supervise/control] action touch
- create new file /opt/gitlab/sv/postgresql/log/supervise/control
- change owner from '' to 'gitlab-psql'
- change group from '' to 'gitlab-psql'
- update utime on file /opt/gitlab/sv/postgresql/log/supervise/control
* service[postgresql] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
@ibaum We discussed this recently and I was under the impression that this was resolved. Can we update these resources from touch
to create
or create_if_missing