Mattermost 4.2: Upcoming breaking changes
There are a few breaking changes in the upcoming Mattermost v4.2 release on September 16th.
@marin @briann @balasankarc I'm not sure if any of these affect the GitLab Omnibus deployment, so wanted to share these with you ahead of time. Complete changelog can be found here.
We'll be submitting a merge request to include Mattermost v4.2 in GitLab 10.0 later this week.
- By default, user-supplied URLs such as those used for Open Graph metadata, webhooks, or slash commands will no longer be allowed to connect to reserved IP addresses including loopback or link-local addresses used for internal networks.
This change may cause private integrations to break in testing environments, which may point to a URL such as
If you point private integrations to such URLs, you may whitelist such domains, IP addresses, or CIDR notations via the AllowedUntrustedInternalConnections config setting in your local environment. Although not recommended, you may also whitelist the addresses in your production environments.
Push notification, OAuth 2.0 and WebRTC server URLs are trusted and not affected by this setting.
- Mattermost now handles multiple content-types for integrations. Make sure your integrations have been set to use the appropriate content-type.