expired on Feb 22, 2017
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Fix references to postgresql_{user,group}
- GitLab Pages needs unzip as a dependancy
- healthcheck script is failing behind reverse-proxy resulting in loopy container reboot
- Postgresql issue upgrading to 8.17.0-rc3
- postgresql-bin recipe does not run when skip-auto-migrations is set
- `/database` scrape target returns no metrics
- Listen Address flags do not seem to be taking effect
- Warning when upgrading from 8.16.3 to 8.16.4
- Update omnibus preinstallation script to handle different database versions
- Add nodejs 6.x to rpi_wheezy build images
- gitlab-ctl pg-upgrade can fail with cryptic error messages when PostgreSQL is not running
- Unable to change Prometheus listen address from gitlab.rb
- Restrict Postgres Exporter to listen only on localhost by default
- Restrict Redis Exporter to listen only on localhost by default
- Restrict NodeExporter to listen only on localhost by default
- Bump Helm Chart version to 8.16
- [META] Release 8.17
- Pick commit removing deprecated docker flag to last three stable branches.
- Include postgres exporter for Prometheus
- Include Redis Exporter for Prometheus
- Include gitlab-monitor in Omnibus package
- Export additional metrics for GitLab CE and other Omnibus GitLab services
- Folder not created when running only redis
- gitlab-ctl pg-upgrade fails to use postgresql['data_dir']
- Relative URL support requires manual recompilation in Docker
- Does not update missing certificates hash in /opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/ if already exists in /etc/gitlab/trusted-certs