expired on Apr 22, 2017
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Remove satellites config
- Build nightly docker image with GitLab QA instance tests tool
- `gitlab-rails` recipe fails with `TZInfo::DataSourceNotFound`
- Upgrade git to 2.11
- QA Image builds are broken
- Reorganizing CI stages and jobs
- Nodejs installation broken in Debian-based builder images
- Intermittent spec failures due to "RuntimeError: cannot find yajl library for platform"
- Version build images
- SLES images missing for 9.1
- OmnibusHelper#service_up? returns `true` if service does not exist on this box
- Mattermost error during reconfigure
- Service roles should disable gitaly and most prometheus related services
- git_data_dirs gitaly_address is ignored
- Configure Gitaly socket_path, listen_addr, prometheus_listen_addr via config.toml
- Render storages in config.toml for Gitaly
- Package gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer for GitLab EE 9.1
- (9.1) new gitaly config in gitlab.yml
- Enable GCS support for docker registry
- Use go 1.7.x on build machines
- Failed to configure the schedule of sidekiq cron jobs for geo workers
- Particular cron syntax for `*_worker_cron` causes `(<unknown>): did not find expected alphabetic or numeric character while scanning an alias at`
- The size of our docker image has doubled in 9.1
- Enabling Geo secondary starts the geo-postgresql database on the wrong port
- Prevent omnibus-chef diff from disclosing tokens/private keys
- OmnibusHelper#service_up? returns `true` if service is down
- Implement `geo_secondary_role` to automate some configurations
- GitLab Monitor `gitlab-monitor.yml.erb` file does not include Git probes
- Get PostgreSQL streaming replication configuration as separate entity
- List dependencies with licenses