Jun 7, 2017–Jul 22, 2017
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Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Allow gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer to have a fixed version
- Packages for Debian 9
- Stop building packages for OpenSUSE 42.1 as it is discontinued
- Upgrade nginx to 1.12
- GitLab Mattermost: Upcoming breaking change when using Mattermost with a reverse proxy
- Can't launch due to permission issues, and update-permissions aborts due to failure and doesn't fix it
- PostgreSQL HA setup with omnibus-gitlab package
- gitlab-ctl tail: cannot follow ‘-’ by name
- Drop the Git Probe from the gitlab-monitor settings for now
- Lock down Nodejs version in sles build container
- License generation issues
- Use latest docker in ruby_docker builder images
- Use scheduled pipelines to create the nightly package build
- Update Build handbook with infrastructure information
- Organise license reporting per component
- Registry internal key populate should be in Rails recipe
- Document how to configure the package to use external registry
- Updates to repmgr cookbook based on staging rollout
- Support for non-https pod exporters
- 9.4.0 rc1 pipelines failed in dev due to package name collision
- Automate repmgrd configuration
- Triggered docker builds from CE/EE not being tagged correctly
- New Prometheus dashboard not appearing in Omnibus nightly builds
- Add Kubernetes pod scraping to Prometheus configuration
- Add unicorn metrics to Prometheus
- Automate repmgr configuration
- Upgrade gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer to v0.2.0 for GitLab 9.4
- Support GeoLogCursor in omnibus
- Licensing for HA omnibus-gitlab package
- Make geo-postgresql specs track template changes better