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Cache Builder#shasum before Builder#build to ensure consistent result
The Builder#shasum is based, in-part, on the build_commands in the instance of Builder. This is problematic because the `block` DSL method allows users to use other Builder DSL methods inside of it, all of which mutate the build_command array when #build is called. Thus, a given builder will return a different shasum before and after build is called. Caching shashum at the beginning of build fixes this problem, but has a major drawback. Namely, two builders with the same shashum might execute different commands. This problem is partially mitigated by the fact that the builder shashum is just a part of the software shasum, which will typically include the actual text of the software definition as part of its digest. This will not catch software definitions where the build steps can produce different based on the system state, such as this: block do Dir.glob("#{install_dir}/embedded/apath/bin/*").sort.each do |f| link bin, "#{install_dir}/embedded/bin/#{File.basename(f)}" end end However, that will always be a problem since we allow pure Ruby in our build steps. Fixes #450
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